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Com-mu-ni-ty: A group of people having common interests, sharing, participation and fellowship.


Alinco knows that there is a large community of people interested in mascot and character costumes and it is often hard to find resources and other people who share your interests. In order to help support our most valued clients we are offering the following:

MASCOT MANUAL is recognized as the authoritative voice in game operations and a leading distributor of premiums and promotions for hundreds of teams and events. We feature tools that help entertainment value of events.

Visit GameOps!

Welcome to the Mascot Insider Community, a website dedicated to covering all things about Mascots. We continue to offer fans the #1 coverage of the Mascot Games in Orlando, FL, and attend other significant events.

Visit Mascot Insider

Denise V sits down with a different mascot every episode and talks all things mascotting. From small business mascots to professional sports. He will talk to anyone about the mascot world.

Visit Mascot Diaries!

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